English Grammar Exercises Subject Verb Agreement

English Grammar Exercises: Subject-Verb Agreement

One of the most crucial elements of writing in English is subject-verb agreement. It is the cornerstone of effective and clear communication. The agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence is vital to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct. However, mastering this aspect of English Grammar can be challenging for many.

To help you improve your subject-verb agreement skills, we have compiled a list of exercises that will help you practice this fundamental rule of grammar.

Exercise 1: Identify the subject and verb

In this exercise, you need to identify the subject and verb in each sentence. Once you have identified them, ensure that they agree with each other in number and person. Here are a few examples:

1. The choir sings beautifully every Sunday.

Subject: The choir

Verb: Sings

2. She runs every morning before work.

Subject: She

Verb: Runs

3. They have been studying for their exams for weeks.

Subject: They

Verb: Have been studying

Exercise 2: Choose the correct verb form

In this exercise, you need to choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject of the sentence. Here are a few examples:

1. The committee ___________ a decision on the proposal. (has/have)

Answer: Has

2. The students ___________ their assignments on time. (submit/submits)

Answer: Submit

3. Neither the doctor nor the nurses ___________ aware of the new treatment. (is/are)

Answer: Is

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentence

In this exercise, you need to rewrite the sentence in a way that the subject and verb agree with each other. Here are a few examples:

1. The books on the shelf is collecting dust.

Rewritten: The books on the shelf are collecting dust.

2. Each of the flowers in the vase smells sweet.

Rewritten: Each of the flowers in the vase smells sweet.

3. The group of people were waiting for the bus.

Rewritten: The group of people was waiting for the bus.

Exercise 4: Multiple-choice questions

In this exercise, you need to choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject of the sentence. Here are a few examples:

1. The team _____ their uniforms before the game.

A. Washes

B. Wash

C. Washing

Answer: A

2. My sister and I _____ going to the beach this weekend.

A. Am

B. Is

C. Are

Answer: C

3. Neither the students nor the teacher _____ happy with the test results.

A. Is

B. Are

C. Be

Answer: A

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks

In this exercise, you need to fill in the blanks with the correct verb form that agrees with the subject of the sentence. Here are a few examples:

1. Everybody ___________ excited for the party.

Answer: Is

2. The cat and the dog ___________ playing in the garden.

Answer: Are

3. The new car ___________ expensive.

Answer: Is

Mastering subject-verb agreement takes time and effort, but with regular practice, you can improve your grammar skills. These exercises will help you internalize this fundamental rule of grammar and make your writing more effective and error-free. Happy learning!

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